Name: Florian
Birthday/place of birth: 28.11., Darmstadt

Instrument: E-Guitar/A-Guitar

Heroes: Chris De Garmo (Queensrÿche), James Hetfield (Metallica), John Petrucci (Dream Theater), Zakk Wylde, Randy Rhoads and Gary Moore.

My musical journey began at the age of 15., when I started playing acoustic guitar. Some of the reasons for that are complicated but I was fascinated by “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica. It didn’t take long until I started playing electric guitar as well.
My first band was called “Treibsand” (Quicksand) and was of course a coverband with which we had a total of 2 gigs. After that musical differences and preferences of the individual musicians became obvious and things fell apart.

In my second band there were already original songs, exclusively. Again differences in style and taste became insurmountable obstacles. The songs were good, maybe we’ll get to recording them someday. Finally, Numenon is a project were I can self-realize and create music as I want to.

Top 10 Albums:
1 – Queensrÿche – Operation Mindcrime
2 – Metallica – Ride The Lightning
3 – Dream Theater – Images And Words
4 – Black Sabbath – Headless Cross
5 – Ozzy Osbourne – No Rest For The Wicked
6 – Gary Moore – After The War
7 – Evergrey – In Search Of Truth
8 – VandenPlas – The Seraphic Clockwork
9 – Van Halen – LIVE: Right Here, Right Now
10 – Whitesnake – Slip Of The Tongue

My Equipment:
Musicman Majesty PN E-Guitar
Musicman Majesty GF E-Guitar
Ibanez S470 DXQM E-Guitar
Tanglewood TW-155AS A-Guitar
Engl E530 Preamp
Engl E840 Poweramp
Engl Z12 Midi-Controller
T.C. Electronics G-Major
Digitech RP-10
Hughes&Kettner Attax 80
Behringer 4×12” Guitar cabinets
Line6 Relay G55

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